mardi 24 mars 2015

Why Is Smoking Bad For You?

Don't Smoke

Smoking is responsible for several diseases, such as cancer, long-term (chronic) respiratory diseases, and heart disease, as well as premature death. Over 440,000 people in the USA and 100,000 in the UK die because of smoking each year. According the US CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), $92 billion are lost each year from lost productivity resulting from smoking-related deaths.

Of the more than 2.4 million deaths in the USA annually, over 440,000 are caused by smoking.

Smoking is the largest cause of preventable death in the world. Recent studies have found that smokers can undermine the health of non-smokers in some environments.

In an article published online in Medical News Today on 30 May 2013, we presented data demonstrating that, on average, smokers die ten years sooner than non-smokers.

Smoking causes cancer

90% of lung cancer patients developed their disease because of smoking. Lung cancer is one of the most common causes of cancer deaths in the world. Smokers also have a significantly higher risk of developing:

mouth cancer 

stomach cancer 

throat cancer

breast cancer

According to Cancer Research UK, one person dies every 15 minutes in Great Britain from lung cancer.

Smoking also raises the risk of cancer recurrences (the cancer coming back).

Why does smoking raise cancer risk?

Scientists say there are over 4,000 compounds in cigarette smoke. A sizeable number of them are toxic - they are bad for us and damage our cells. Some of them cause cancer - they are carcinogenic.

Tobacco smoke consists mainly of:
  • Nicotine - this is not carcinogenic. However, it is highly addictive. Smokers find it very hard to quit because they are hooked on the nicotine. Nicotine is an extremely fast-acting drug. It reaches the brain within 15 seconds of being inhaled. If cigarettes and other tobacco products had no nicotine, the number of people who smoke every day would drop drastically. Without nicotine, the tobacco industry would collapse.

    Nicotine is used as a highly controlled insecticide. Exposure to sufficient amounts can lead to vomiting, seizures, depression of the CNS (central nervous system), and growth retardation. It can also undermine a fetus' proper development.
  • tar
  • carbone monoxide

Health Effects of Smoking

You know smoking is bad for you, but do you know what this dangerous habit does to your body and to nonsmokers who inhale secondhand smoke?

         cigarette Smoking has disastrous consequences: It 
damages just about every organ of the body and leads to the general deterioration of the smoker's health. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that cigarette smoking is responsible for nearly one of every five deaths in the United States, or about 438,000 deaths every year. Cigarette smoking is deadlier on an annual basis than HIV/AIDS, motor vehicle crashes, drug abuse, alcoholism, suicide, and murder … combined.
Smoking and Cancer
Cancer was one of the first diseases that researchers linked to cigarette smoking, and it continues to be smoking's most notorious health effect. Cigarette smoking and tobacco use causes about one-third of all cancer deaths in the United States.
Lung cancer is most closely linked to cigarette smoking. Smoking causes nearly all lung cancer deaths in America, about 90 percent of male deaths and 80 percent of female deaths. The chances that a male smoker will die of lung cancer is 23 times that of someone who's never smoked, while women who smoke run a risk 13 times greater than non-smokers.
But lung cancer is far from the only form of cancer attributable to cigarette smoking. Researchers have also linked smoking to cancers of the bladder, larynx, mouth, throat, esophagus, pancreas, stomach, kidney, and cervix. Smoking also is a known cause of some forms of leukemia.

The Causes and Effects of Smoking Among Students

The Causes and Effects of Smoking Among Students

A cause effect essay

The causes and effects of smoking among students

Smoking is one of the most dangerous widespread phenomena that threatens lives of a huge number of people worldwide. It starts as a way of having fun, but ends as an addiction that is therefore so difficult to give up. Today, we often hear of “smoking among students”. So why do students smoke and what effects smoking has on them?

There are many reasons behind the phenomenon of smoking among students. To start with, students smoke because they are curious and want to discover the world of those who smoke. They are just trying to have some fun when they smoke the first cigarette. Other students take up smoking due to the family problems, especially when they see their parents having quarrels. Moreover, some students smoke since they think a cigarette would relieve stress they had during the day, especially at school. Last but not least, students try to imitate adult smokers because they want to show that they are adults, too.

If we look at the consequences of smoking, we will find so many. Smoking causes cancer. As a result, the addict students would suffer from health problems that end in death. Another effect is that after certain years, the addict would develop respiratory problems and will face a lot of problems in running without losing breath. So, asthma, bronchitis, and emphysema are always a lingering threat. One more important effect of smoking is that it causes a lot of anger for the addict. Whenever they lack cigarettes, they start reacting angrily and strangely.

To sum up, smoking is an ongoing threatening danger for addicts and might affect the next generation. The best solution is prevention according to the proverb that says “Prevention is better than cure”.